Friday, September 7, 2007

branding and teen ministry 2 (of 3)

Another interesting observation from the research highlighted by Brandweek earlier this summer:
>> Despite being wired 24/7 with mobile devices and online communities, they feel the word "chill" best describes them (according to 40% of those surveyed).

Reporter Kenneth Hein reveals his age as he alludes to an interesting note about teenage/young adult culture. Hein begins with "despite" as though being wired and being relaxed were contradictory ideas, but teenagers don't seem to think so.

(Pause for a moment for those of you who may be scratching your heads at "chill." Adj. "cool, calm, relaxed, etc." V. "hang out, relax, slow down, etc.")

So what about your youth ministry space?

First of all, you need a place where students can "chill" before or after your worship service. Again, this should be a place set aside for them. Props if your church facility already has a third place space, but your youth ministry needs one of its own. See the three insights from yesterday.

Secondly, it needs to be chill according to their standards, not yours. They can be innundated with electronics and noise and still be chill, but they probably don't want you to organize mandatory group games for them. Go ahead and play loud music with the TVs on and the video game/internet station running all at the same time. You might feel over-stimulated, but they're used to it - more than that: they're comfortable in it.

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