More and more companies are stretching to get their products up to someone's code. It's a good idea to keep an eye out (or ask your contractor to keep an eye out) for some of these labels and acronyms.

FSC stands for
Forest Stewardship Council. They have third-party certifiers around the world assessing forest management activities and tracking of forest products. If a forest landowner or manager becomes certified by the FSC, he signs a five-year commitment to continue sustainable forestry practices.
There are over 1500 FSC certified suppliers in the U.S., and many retailers stock FSC products. FSC certified wood usually costs about 2% more than non-FSC certified wood.

The CRI is the
Carpet and Rug Institute. In 1992, they launched the Green Label program to test carpet, cushions and adhesives to help identify products with very low emissions of VOCs. Then came the Green Label Plus program, which is just a little more stringent. Green Label and Green Label Plus certifications must be re-evaluated annually.
VOCs are
volatile organic compounds. They come from a wide variety of chemicals in a wide variety of products, and are released as gases into the air. They can create short-term or long-term, adverse health effects and are usually much worse indoors than out. As you're looking at paint, cleaning supplies, lacquers, furniture, etc., make sure you're looking for products that have low-VOC emissions. Prices should be comparable.
WaterSense is the EPA's (Environmental Protection Agency) label for efficient plumbing products. Prices are comparable, but the products will save you money in the long-run anyway!
That's enough to get anyone started! If you can get FSC Certified wood in your building's structure and/or finishes, Green Label carpeting on the floors, low-VOC paint on the walls, and WaterSense sinks in the bathrooms your church building will make a dramatic statement to your community without leaving a dramatic impact on the earth!
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