Those surveyed were asked if they think the following alternatives are "a complete and biblically valid way for someone who does NOT participate in the services or activities of a conventional church to experience and express their faith in God."
- 89% consider participating in faith activities at home with their families acceptable.
- 75% consider participating in a house church an acceptable/Biblical alternative.
- 69% think watching a religious television program is a legitimate alternative to church.
- 68% believe listening to a religious radio broadcast is a Biblical alternative to church.
- 68% consider participating in a special ministry event (a concert or community service activity) an acceptable church alternative.
- 54% think participating in a marketplace ministry is a Biblical alternative to conventional church.
Some of the "alternative activities," I believe, many pastors/lay leaders would argue are not Biblical and/or acceptable substitutions for attending a church service. Others could probably inspire good debate. The bigger picture, at least in part, is that American adults largely believe they can be Christians and still avoid your church.
One more reason why your facility should be attractive, relevant, and functional. People - even people who may be interested in Christianity - are predisposed to believe they don't need what you have to offer, so offer something they want instead. An open gym two nights a week, a baseball diamond, a cozy café, preschool, a skate park, free wireless internet ...
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